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Robyn Piper
Jul 9, 20207 min read
Coronalone: Week 15 - Where There's A Will, There's A Way
Cell phones, the internet, apps like Facebook and Zoom: These are all simply tools that facilitate the connection between human beings.

Robyn Piper
Jul 3, 20205 min read
Coronalone: Week 14 - Take A Deep Breath and Eat Some Broccoli
Get ready to gasp: I’ve uninstalled Facebook and Messenger from my phone. I know, I know, it seems drastic...

Robyn Piper
Jun 25, 20202 min read
Coronalone: Weeks 12 & 13: A Double Feature
“You don’t know ‘til you know”, as they say, and sometimes we are blindest to our own struggles.

Robyn Piper
Jun 12, 20202 min read
Coronalone: Week 11 (Numbers 8-10 skipped for accuracy)
Perhaps all of this chaos and upheaval could really be the labor pains of a new and more compassionate, fair, and equitable America?

Robyn Piper
May 22, 20204 min read
Coronalone: Week 7- On Death and Dying
Physical distance need not be emotional distance. Express your love. Be vocal. We only have today, because tomorrow is never promised.

Michael Sean Piper
May 10, 20204 min read
Coronalone: Week 6 – Quarantine for the Well-Fed ADD Artist
What do you do with time? I ask this because right now, we’ve got a lot of it.

Robyn Piper
May 3, 20204 min read
Coronalone: Week 5- Pants Recommended, Bra Optional
Even in the darkest night, we must search for that little spark to remind us that light will come again.

Robyn Piper
Apr 20, 20204 min read
Coronalone: Week 4
“Well, I guess those church services I held for my stuffed animals all those years ago really paid off!”

Robyn Piper
Apr 14, 20203 min read
Coronalone: Week 3
"...when we’re stripped of our obligations and schedules and future plans—there is really only the present moment and our reaction to it."

Robyn Piper
Apr 6, 20206 min read
Coronalone: Week 2
A lot of us are scared, and it is not an unreasonable fear... We are experiencing a sane response to an insane situation.

Robyn Piper
Mar 29, 20205 min read
Coronalone: Week 1
"'Coronalone'. It's like 'Home Alone', but without Macaulay Culkin. And without the burglars (we hope)."
Musings by the Artist... and his Wife
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